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Study offer - supplementary recruitment 2024/2025
| Justyna Jaskólska

1) First cycle studies with practical profile (bachelor degree):

  • Administration - full-time/part-time studies, 6 semesters, title earned: bachelor degree (licencjat)
  • Interior Design – full-time studies, 6 semesters, title earned: bachelor degree (licencjat)
  • Dietetics - full-time studies, 6 semesters, title earned: bachelor degree (licencjat)
  • Internal Security - full-time/part-time studies, 6 semesters, title earned: bachelor degree (licencjat)
  • Philology/English Philology - full-time studies, 6 semesters, title earned: bachelor degree (licencjat)
  • Practical Graphic Design with Advertisement - full-time studies, 6 semesters, title earned: bachelor degree (licencjat)
  • Cosmetology - full-time/part-time studies, 6 semesters, title earned: bachelor degree (licencjat)
  • Logistics - full-time/part-time studies, 7 semesters, title earned: bachelor of engineering (inżynier)
  • Pedagogy - full-time studies, 6 semesters, title earned: bachelor degree (licencjat)
  • Dental Techniques - full-time studies, 7 semesters, title earned: bachelor degree (licencjat)
  • Management - full-time/part-time studies, 6 semesters, title earned: bachelor degree (licencjat)

2) Second cycle studies with practical profile:

  • Administration – part-time studies, 4 semesters, title earned: master degree (magister)
  • Nursing - part-time studies, 4 semesters, title earned: master degree (magister pielęgniarstwa)

 3) Long cycle studies with practical profile:

  • Preschool and Early Childhood Pedagogy – full-time studies, 10 semesters, title earned: master degree (magister)

Information about fields of study